Virtual Learning University (VLU)


Snapshot on Virtual Learning University (VLU)



Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ennaoui was born and grew up in south Morocco. He obtained his MSc and Doctoral thesis in Solid State Electronic from “University de Bourgogne”, France. He began his career as assoc. Professor in 1979 at University Mohamed V and joined the Hahn-Meitner Institute-Berlin (HMI) in 1983 for conducting research for his Habilitation. In April 1987, he obtained his habilitation (summa cum laude) on new earth abundant materials for solar energy conversion. In 2000, he was appointed head of a research group in the Institute for Heterogeneous Material Systems at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) for materials and energy. He serves as visiting professor at the Research Center for Solar Energy Chemistry Osaka University, Japan, and Research Director at Qatar Environmental and Energy Research Institute (QEERI) and Joint Professor at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (2015-2017). Ennaoui’s published mostly on transition metal chalcogenide, binary and ternary thin film solar cells. Recently he conducted research on inkjet printed thin film solar cells, and PV soiling solution.

His work has been recognized with h-index 50. He is an author and co-author of more than 300 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference contributions, including five special issues. He granted several patents on alternative materials and High efficiency Cadmium free chalcopyrite solar cells. During his career he supervised more than 40 completed theses and ca. 15 Postdoctoral have worked in his group. He was listed by Stanford University as one of the top 2% of researchers in the world Out of 224,856 researchers in applied physics ranked by the prestigious American university and as per AD Scientific Index, his Morocco Country rank is among the top 2%. Ennaoui has contributed to the development of renewable energies by following the completion of IRESEN’s research and development projects, by organizing international conferences in Morocco on green energies and through the virtual university of which he is the founder. He serves as Editorial Board for the journal Solar energy materials and solar cells (Elsevier), IEEE senior member. He is president of the scientific council of IRESEN (a Moroccan R&D solar energy institute). In 2019, he founded the Virtual Learning University a Non-Profit online University committed to sciences and techniques and Online-Opening-Lectures with the objective of significantly increasing access to quality higher education and training. He published in 2023 together with Prof. Dr. Babasaheb R. Sankapal, Prof. Dr. Ram B. Gupta Chandrakant and Prof. Dr. D. Lokhande a new book entitled “Simple Chemical Methods for Thin Film Deposition: Synthesis and Applications (Springer Verlag GmbH).

Ladies and Gentlemen

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the various program committees, partners and friends for their intellectual commitment to the Virtual University of Learning. As you are aware, the COVID-19 pandemic in the world has affected all aspects of our society and our educational system has undergone tremendous changes. This is how the Virtual University of Learning was born and developed to achieve the democratization of education where education is transferred to every citizen wherever and whenever he wants. Based on our experience and interest in education, including research and development, we are ready to build new structures and practices that will last beyond the pandemic and show how this university will benefit students in the future. We have envisioned our university based on our interest in green technologies and sustainable development, exploring what is essential to strengthen R&D for meaningful improvements and innovations in our educational system with new knowledge and skills with the goal of obtaining very specific training and skills to prepare a new generation for new jobs, which will solve emerging problems related to sustainable development, renewable energy. Our philosophy is based mainly on the principle of flexibility to provide learners with the necessary skills and allow them to decide what they want to learn, why, how and when. We want to train active, responsible and committed citizens, it is a shared responsibility to seize opportunities and find solutions.
The work you do is very important.

Why VLU?

"The Virtual Learning University is committed to education for all"

VLU is a Non-Profit online University established during the COVID19 pandemic with the objective of significantly increasing access to quality higher education and training.  We are a competence spectrum of highly skilled top scientists with long standing interest in research & teaching at Moroccan universities and worldwide, We are exploring what is decisive to strengthen the teaching taking into consideration the research and Development (R&D) as baseline. We are willing to bring significant improvements and innovations in our education system. We are targeting Moroccan undergraduate and graduate folks extending our experience to Africa, and Middle east. We focus on the access to higher and continuing education in renewable energy & energy storage, air & water pollution control, chemical, thermal, biological, and physical hazardous waste treatment and management, Biodiversity & Bio-agriculture, Climate Change & global warming, environmental sciences, geological sciences and geological engineering and Sustainability.


Throughout the year 2023, various webinars are organized for MS and PhD students every Friday afternoon who would like to keep in touch with our VLU programme. The webinars are free of charge and accessible for all.

Previous Research Seminars 2023

We let graduate students presenting their research ideas, methodology, model, and results clearly in academic English, (other languages are not excluded) providing regular opportunity for MS and PhD students to share their research ideas and progress, give and take feedback on each other's research, and to overcome anxiety when presenting or discussing their research.


Upcoming Programs




Seminar pre-registration link:


Consulting Staff and Webinar Coordinators


Actual Syllabi and Webinar

Highly qualified and experienced faculty members are willing to provide you with the best education, and new knowledge, skills and discoveries that truly matter


Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ennaoui
Lecturer of PV Technology and Green Hydrogen
Prof. Dr. Abdelillah Benyoussef
Member Resident of
Hassan II Academy of Sciences Technology
Prof. Dr. Ismael Saadoune
University Cadi Ayyad Marrackech and University Polytechnique Mohammed VI , Benguerir
Prof. Dr. Abdelhafed TALEB Sorbonne Université / ENSCP, Chimei Paris Tech, Interface Team/Group Leader, Electrochemistry and Energy Synthesis & modeling of nanostructured Thin Films
Dr. Saad Jasim, PhD, P. Eng.
SJ Environmental Consultants (Windsor) Inc., Past President, International Ozone Association-IOA (2020-2022)
Dr Saleh Khamlich
Nanoenergy for Sustainable Development in Africa
Dr. Ahmed Rassili
Senior Project Leader / Business Development / Recycling / Manufacturing & Energy Liège, Walloon Region, Belgium
Eng. Youssef Daafi
Geologist Expert : CPG-AIPG, Eur Geol-EFG, QP-MMSA & RM-SME
Prof. Dr. Tarik Chafik
Full Professor and Master Coordinator at the Faculty of Sciences and Technique of Tangier (Morocco)
Dipl. Eng. Badr Ikken
Président exécutif de Gi3 - Green Innov Industry Investment / Managing Partner de Gi2 - (Consulting and Engineering Firm in Energy Transition)
Networking and Cooperation

VLU has active MOUs with several institutions both in Morocco and around the world. The purpose of this MOU is to develop academic, educational cooperation and the development of new skills and research portfolio:

  • Sabaek for Education & Training (Bahrain)
  • Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah de Fès (Maroc) (pending)
  • Solaire Expo Maroc (pending)
  • Clean Energy 4 Africa (CE4A)
  • Nanoenergy for Sustainable Development in Africa (NESDAF)
  • Institut de Recherche en Énergie Solaire et Énergies Nouvelles (IRESEN) (pending)

The Milestones

In the next future we will offer opportunities to earn a recognized certificate in the chosen field that fit the student’s backgrounds. We will negotiate with Moroccan and worldwide universities for making our teaching degrees recognized and accepted all over the country as well as overseas.
Teaching Objectives and Methods
  • To educate and influence the manners of human beings.
  • To turn theory learned into practice achieving an outstanding level of knowledge on green energy & green economy, and policy making.
  • To ensure a sound world for future generations in sustainable development around the quality of air, water & land, low carbon footprint of the industry.
  • To use computer- based systems, presentation of case studies, practical exercises, hands‐on work with equipment for interacting with audience.

Training Tools and Supporting Materials

We offer several needed materials for the implementation of a curriculum.
  • Exercise books with solutions book, Course handouts, recording lectures; Relevant software and simulation tools.
  • Useful links, online publications manufacturers’ manuals, and commercially produced materials, Interactive Learning, rely on seeing or hearing such as Movies/videos/computer‐based training.
Evaluation of Knowledge
Students taking courses will be examined for theoretical and practical skills upon their request. Evaluation criteria and procedures should be made clear to students on the first day of class.


Past Webinars from Our Archives
  • Please click and select any webinar, including a link to the recording
  • You can watch all of our previously recorded webinar videos right here.
Online Opening Lectures - Academic Year 2021-2022 and Other Webinars


Section II: Section of Environmental Policy, Energy & Community Development


Contact Us




رمضان مبارك
Ramadhan Mubarak


🔴 يسرنا تهنئتكم بمناسبة حلول عيد الأضحى المبارك.. أعاده الله علينا جميعا بالخير واليمن والبركات.. وكل عام وأنتم بخير.


🔴 VLU, the Virtual Learning University (VLU) is inviting you to MS/PHD Research Webinar-Seminars Series of
🔴 Title: Sustainable Silicon Photovoltaic Cell and Module Technology for the Terawatt ERA.
🔴 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ivan Gordon, Manager, Photovoltaic Technology and Energy Systems at IMEC, Professor of Digital Photovoltaics at DELFT University.
🎯 Date: Friday June 30th, 2023.
⏰ Time: 6:30 – 8:30 PM Morocco Time, 7:30 – 9:30 PM CET.
📌 Place: (online) via the Zoom application.
🔗 Seminar pre-registration link:
🔗 Seminar Link:
Meeting ID: 839 5718 4462
Passcode: 245361