Member Resident of Hassan II Academy of Sciences Technology, Founder of the former Laboratoire de Physique Statistique “now LaMCScI”
Short Bio:
Prof. Dr. Abdelillah Benyoussef is the coordinator of the poles of skills and knowledge on Condensed Matter, simulation and Modeling. editor in chief of the Moroccan Journal of Condensed Matter. He is President of the Moroccan Society of Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter. Abdelilah has a long-standing interest and expertise in Ab initio calculation and Monte-Carlo method of complex and new materials for renewable energy. His other fields of interest are Magnetism and phase transition in condensed matter; complex systems and critical self-organization in statistical physics. He is graduated from Paris-Sud University (1983). He is the founder of graduate program on statistical physics at the faculty of sciences Rabat, meanwhile he has trained several generations of graduate and undergraduate (bachelor degree) in the field of condensed material sciences and statistical physics.